Thursday, July 05, 2007

Canada Update #1

The Canadian people have been so warm this week They are curious about us and our work, but they are puzzled when we mention Jesus and the gospel. Many organizations we work with don't want us talking about our faith. This is giving us opportunities to be creative. Pray that God would create opportunities, that we would be creative, and that we would seize the opportunities that we do have.

My students and I will be keeping a list of the 5 most important things we hear, see, and do. We will be doing this so that we don't forget the most important things and so that we will be ready to share specific stories, events, and ideas from our trips. I'm calling this my "5."

I'm requiring only one thing for my students to include in their "5." It is also the 1st in my "5."

Gary L. Thomas writes

"If there is no evidence of social mercy in your life, if there isn't a single poor person, prisoner, man or woman with a disability, or refugee who can stand up and testify that you have lived out and continue to live out your faith with compassionate care, then know this: Scripture, the Christian classics, and contemporary faith all stand in one accord to challenge the sub-Christian religion that you have adopted."

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I'm so glad to hear this update. I was praying for you this morning and wondering how things have been going. Thanks for the quote to chew on today, too. Good word.